Game Development

Posted on December 8, 2011 by Doolwind

Separation of Gameplay

I’ve worked on three different game engines and all have had gameplay and engine intertwined throughout the source code. In Unity, all game objects inherit from MonoBehaviour giving them full access to the power of Unity (and forming a hard link between game and engine). Recently, I’ve moved away from this approach to a better Read More

Posted on November 8, 2011 by Doolwind

Becoming A Better Game Programmer

Over the past 12 months I’ve worked as the sole programmer on the three games we’ve made. I’ve just started up a new project with a fellow programmer and found that I’ve picked up some bad habits in those past 12 months. I’m continually trying to make myself a better game programmer and today I’m Read More

Posted on February 28, 2011 by Doolwind

SOLID Principles For Game Developers

The SOLID principles are a set of 5 software development principles coined by “Uncle Bob” (Robert C. Martin).  They are a set of guidelines for Object Oriented Design (OOD), specifically for class design.  They are widely used by agile business programmers however they are generally unknown amongst game developers.  This article describes the principles and Read More

Posted on February 4, 2011 by Doolwind

Working From Home As An Indie

Now that I’m officially a full-time indie game developer, for the first time in my life I am working from home full-time on games. Many of my game developer friends have also started working full-time from home in the past few months, partly because of all the game studios shutting down in our city recently. Read More

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