Author: Doolwind

Posted on October 3, 2015 by Doolwind

Phaser with Visual Studio 2015 and TypeScript

I’ve been playing with Phaser recently and I’m really liking it so far. I plan to use TypeScript for the language as it has a bunch of advantages over straight javascript. I found the Phaser tutorial was a little out of date so figured I would put together a quick tutorial to help others get started with Phaser development in Read More

Posted on March 2, 2015 by Doolwind

Git For Unity Developers

We’ve started using Git for our Unity3D projects and this tutorial describes the best way to set up a Unity3D project to use Git for source control as well as some best practices. In the past we’ve used SVN and Mercurial as well and so far we’ve found Git to be the best option.

Posted on September 29, 2014 by Doolwind

Surface Pro 3 Review

After one month of use, it’s time I write up my thoughts on the Surface Pro 3. I have two main uses for the device. First as a replacement for my iPad when sitting on the couch. Second as a replacement for my MacBook Air while out of the office, primarily in meetings to take notes Read More

Posted on May 16, 2014 by Doolwind

Why The Unreal Tournament Announcement Is So Important

Epic recently announced that they are making a new version of Unreal Tournament using Unreal Engine 4 (UE4). Today I will talk about why this is one of the best announcements for game developers (especially students) in a long time. The announcement was enough to get me to purchase a license to UE4 and review Read More

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