Posted on November 24, 2005 by Doolwind

State your defence

I’ve made quite a bit of progress over the past week and have completed the core implementation of both the offensive and defensive states. Along with the ability to choose the path and type of missiles to fire the player can now select incoming groups of missiles and choose which counter missiles to fire at them. I’ve also put some extremely simple AI in so the enemy ship fires missiles as well. Over the next week I’m going to be getting the spider webs out of the network system and making sure everything runs smoothly. From there I’m going to put together the first closed alpha test of the game. It will allow two players to shoot it out against each other both firing missiles and shooting down their opponents missiles. I’m hoping for some feedback on which areas of the game need tweaking, and a general idea of how much fun CIC is.

After that I’m going to continue work on the next part of the defensive state which will include setting up fighter and phalanx support around the capital ship. This will give a reason for choosing the path of missiles as the player will need to find the best route to get through these passive defences.

I’m having some initial thoughts about the AI to implement for the ships and I’m researching how applicable neural network are to my situation. If you are interested in testing CIC over the next few weeks, or even the next few months send me an email and I’ll add you to my list.