Posted on February 8, 2006 by Doolwind

Glossy Smoke Damage

After adding environment mapping I decided I was on a roll and would add ‘gloss mapping’ to my models. The alpha values within the normal map now specify how glossy or reflective that part of the model is. The more reflective a pixel the more of the environment will be reflected from it. In the screenshot below I’ve simply put a few large lines on the ship with no gloss to show off the effect. In the hands of an artist this will allow for some interesting effects.

I’m also implementing my damage model ready for some internal tests of the new gameplay elements. There are currently three damage points on the ship and depending where the missile detonates and it’s distance damage is done to each of these three points. I’m open to recommendations about how many damage points should be on the ship, however for now I think three will work well.

As part of the damage modelling I’ve decided to represent the damage to each part of the ship by atmosphere leaking from it rather than simple health bars. As a test I’ve added a simple smoke particle system which looks quite good however needs some optimization.